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Sororities are Thriving North of the Border

There are sororities all across Canada. Many people think that sororities and fraternities are only in the United States, but they are definitely not! Greek letter organizations started in the US, and are very common on campuses there. However, many organizations began crossing the border into Canada over 100 years ago! With two organizations Waterloo's community is on the smaller side, but it is part of the growing greek community across Canadian campuses. The University of British Columbia is home to 19 Greek organizations, the University of Alberta to 16, and the University of Toronto to 25 Greek organizations! Wilfred Laurier University, just down the street, is home to 2 sororities. 

Chapters in Canada tend to have the average international chapter size of 20-100 members; compare that to campuses in the US where chapters have 500+ members each. Thousands of members are much more noticeable on campus than a community of a hundred. But size isn't everything. Canadian chapters have the same traditions, procedures, and benefits as their American counterparts. Many women from Waterloo's  international sororities have gone to international conventions and made bonds with sisters from all over the world.

Greeks in Canada: About Us
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